Electronic circuit design / Active and passive components provision / PCB proofing and mass production / PCBA production and testing
CHEER TIME has accumulated 34 years of industrial experience, and has built a complete systematic path. It has: design, R&D, engineering and manufacturing teams that can provide complete services required by PCBA; including IC chip application planning, electronic circuit design, Active and passive component supply, printed circuit board design and manufacturing, circuit board module processing (patch/plug-in) testing.. etc. Shengti provides complete upstream, midstream and downstream electronic product services, creating flexible and high-quality choices for you and your business , To make the needs simpler once in place!
Emphasizing the high-mix low-volume (HMLV) manufacturing and production for quick-turn service of rigid PCBs, Cheer Time products are found in various industries, including GPSs, LEDs, light bars, load boards (DUT boards), IP cams, and industrial PCs. In recent years, Cheer Time has steadily increased its medium-volume capacity and special processes to about 100k–200k sq. ft. each month.
The flexible, real-time production management system integrating the ERP system and Windows SharePoint Services supports real-time online tracking of the production status of various products for each and every customer to feel safe to have Cheer Time as its supplier.
With a history of over three decades, Cheer Time has accumulated rich and robust experience in PCB manufacturing and developed partnership with leading electronics brands at home and abroad over time, such as 3M, Ness, Garmin, and Delta Electronics. Customer satisfaction has always been our prime concern.
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